Workers compensation is a statutory insurance and is not managed or controlled by the federal government, but is instead governed by each state or territory, which has its own legislation, regulations and systems. Our broking services alleviates the complexity of workers compensation by assisting you with:
Classification reviews in all States and Territories
Assessing liability exposures
Developing national insurance programs and agent/insurer tenders
Negotiating rates in risk states (ACT, NT, TAS & WA)
Helping to ensure accurate premiums in managed fund states (NSW, QLD, SA & VIC)
Ongoing advice on premium formula and impacts (changed each year)
Premium funding
Wages Definition, including working directors and sub-contractor impacts
Indemnity contractual requirements
Common law exposure and impacts
Advice on Claims Experience Discounts, Burning Cost and Retro Paid programs
Self-insurance feasibility analysis, including claims management
Strategic reviews with management and C-Suite
Analytical reports & Risk heat mapping by location
Training in premium calculation
Claims management (refer to Claims Management page)
Return to Work (refer to Return to Work & Injury Management page)
Health and Wellbeing (refer to Health, Wellbeing & Recovery page)